For those who have time to are my tales of cat vomit, culture shock American-style, faux pas involving large turds and lingerie (not in the same stories thankfully), Gynecology exams gone awry, and other misadventures.....all true (although at times, names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent).


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Midnight Blues

it was later than late. too late really. the sky was midnight blue with stars scattered about. the wind in the trees was sounding like rushing water. and the smell of woodsmoke made me nostalgic. i was alone. walking so late at night. alone in my head. alone in my heart.

have you ever been waiting for something to happen? just waiting and waiting? you don't want to wait, but you know you have to, it's all part of the plan. and you have to learn to enjoy the waiting just as much as you enjoy the end result. but it's so hard to do. i think that it is really part of the test. can you enjoy the ride? can you enjoy waiting in line for the ride? and how will you feel when the ride ends?

no moon and that midnight blue sky. and the warm summer night claws at my brain---making me think useless thoughts.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Moments to remember

thoughts for the day---
beauty really does come from the inside.
you shouldn't compare yourself to others.
those who make you smile are the ones who you need close to your heart.
remember those moments in your life...the ones that warm your heart and make your spirit soar.....

some of my moments are............

when i was about 10, the prettiest little girl i knew (whom i envied for her beautiful blonde curls and cute face) looked at me and told ME that she thought i was so pretty.

when in 5th grade i won a contest (that i didn't even know my teacher entered me into) for having the best writing in my creative writing book in the entire city

when i wrote an essay (in less than 20 minutes, just before class) in 11th grade and after reading it outloud, the class was silent and then someone asked "did you really write that?"

when i went to my dad's wedding in spite of all that had transpired..........i went so my younger teen-age brother wouldn't have to go alone.

when i got the job in japan

when 6 year old mary (a victim of a pedophile) was on the stand, and the defense attorney asked her if miss tanya, her therapist, told her what to say when she came to court...........and mary answered yes (there was a gleam in that attorneys eye).........and he asked "so what did she tell you to say"....and mary answered................"the truth"

when i spent a night with my grandma and sat with her and wrote out all 75 of her christmas cards for her............ because she could no longer write and sending out cards to family and friends was so important to her.

when i did my first professional hypnosis show in belgium and it was a big success

and there it read...."This year will be a time when you will realize the futility of certain dreams and detach in order to set a new horizon to your aspirations. Thoughts will be inwardly bound so the difference between a dream and desire will be clear with creative intelligence functioning at its peak. Efforts will increase to bring into focus the possibilities of destiny and what your core contains. Sudden gain through powerful friends is indicated and the true friend will segregate from all and sundry. New friendships with the opposite members will bring you happiness. There will be some amount of obstacles but with care, caution and patience things will sort out." THAT is fate... beautiful fate.

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