For those who have time to are my tales of cat vomit, culture shock American-style, faux pas involving large turds and lingerie (not in the same stories thankfully), Gynecology exams gone awry, and other misadventures.....all true (although at times, names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent).


Monday, September 24, 2007

Delirium--Part 2

it's late and i am tired............unfortunately i had a coke just a few hours ago and the caffeine is surging through my veins and making my mind spin. so now my eyes are burning from fatigue yet i am restless and wired. remind me not to drink coke so late agian......

my guests leave tomorow...........then it's back to work and all the crap that goes along with it. i can feel my blood pressure going up already.

what else is new? .....well...... i got my haircut and although i CLEARLY indicated i only wanted a trim, the idiot cut 3 inches off.....then i broke 3 nails this week....and i am sure i gained weight the last few weeks while on vacation and now i will have to work out even more to get it back off (and exercising is one of my least favorite's right up there with poking my eye out with scissors and root canals). so i have that to look forward to this week. oh and did i mention that i get to have a mammogram tomorrow on my last day of vacation? nothing like having your breasts smashed to the same thickness as a sheet of paper to spice up your monday.

alright..........enough complaining........i need to get some sleeeeep. i am becoming silly and delirious.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

castles and toast

just returned from 4 days in the loire valley france-------------so beautiful and peaceful there. the sunset the last night there was amazing. the fairytale castles sparked old memories. the people were .............well, the people were french. that pretty much says it all.

now i am home........the sun is cats are following me around like my shadows.............and my life continues ---like one big blur. time moving faster and faster no matter what i do to try to slow it down.

i think i will go eat some toast.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

permanent chocolate

as you may (or may not) know, the sun is not my friend. being a redhead, i never tan, almost always burn, and end up with an explosion of freckles whenever i am in the sun. lately i have been a bit remiss about slathering on my daily dose of sunscreen (mostly due to the lack of sun and also laziness on my part). i noticed that i had a bit of what appeared to be chocolate in the corner of my mouth. so i licked at it with my tongue. and again. and again. UGH! it's a freckle! right there, in the corner of my mouth! a nice light brown dot.........that looks exactly like a bit of chocolate next to my lip. all i can say is------i can't wait for winter.............

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