When I first arrived in Belgian, I noticed that Belgian truckers were often flashing their lights at me. I immediately thought they must be warning me of an upcoming speed trap. How thoughtful! hmmmmm.....nope, no speed traps. Wait...maybe they are just annoyed with me....am I going too slow? too fast? ....I don't think so. Oh my god...did I leave my lunch on the top of the car again??? (she thinks for a moment). No--I didn't pack a lunch. Why the hell are these truckers always flashing their lights at me? (so now I start paying more attention to these light-flashing drivers). Hey....he is smiling at me and waving......so I ask Dallas that evening, "do truck drivers ever flash their lights at you?". He says, "no, never". Now I think I understand.
The next week a coworker tells me that a truck driver was flashing his lights at her. She immediately thought "something must be wrong with my car!"---so she pulls over at the next rest stop and gets out to examine her car. The truck driver pulls in behind her. "So what's wrong? Is there something wrong with my car?", she says to him. "Mais non" he says (in thick French accent)...."would you like to have a drink?" Puzzled, she looks around....."um, well, where?" (no restaurant at this rest stop)...He flicks his head over at his truck. "In my truck, we can have ze drink". Embarrassed and a bit panicky, she scampers to her car, jumps in, and drives away. (I know what you are thinking....NO---this was not me)
So girls when the truckers flash their lights at you, this is Belgian road talk for "Hey Baby, wanna light my fire?" Sometimes I wave at them or smile. But I was thinking the other day--- this could put a whole new spin on hooking. Forget street walking---simply drive around on the Belgian highways. Believe me ...you would get picked up fast and easy. And then you could simply join the trucker for a "drink in ze truck". Hey---you wanted a job in Europe that involves a lot of travel didn't you?

For those who have time to burn.....here are my tales of cat vomit, culture shock American-style, faux pas involving large turds and lingerie (not in the same stories thankfully), Gynecology exams gone awry, and other misadventures.....all true (although at times, names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent).
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A Belgian driving lesson
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