For those who have time to are my tales of cat vomit, culture shock American-style, faux pas involving large turds and lingerie (not in the same stories thankfully), Gynecology exams gone awry, and other misadventures.....all true (although at times, names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent).


Thursday, March 31, 2011


Thirteen years ago a stray cat showed up on my street in Belgium.  I fed him for several years while he lived in a vacant house across the street.  I called him "Black Kitty".  Eventually, he worked his way into my house.  I certainly could not continue to call him "Black Kitty"----that is no name for a cat.  So he got a new name--MINUIT.  (which is MIDNIGHT in French and pronounced MIN-WEE).

Minuit was always loving----to me.   However, he hissed at Dallas every time he (Dallas) walked into the room.  He did this for almost 2 years.  (Dallas finally used tough love for cats---every time Minuit hissed, Dallas would immediately pet him in an overly-affectionate manner-- for several minutes. Minuit quickly stopped his hissing-habit).  

Minuit was my much so that I often tripped over him as he was always following me around the house.  And he loved to hear me sing.  He could be in the back of the house, sound asleep----and if I started singing he would run to the living room and sit on the couch, to watch and listen to me my own private one-kitty-audience. (ok--maybe it is possible that he is simply deaf and is just attracted to the musical vibrations felt in the floor).  And I could never sit at the computer without him.  He insisted on being on my lap--laying his head across my hands, making it nearly impossible to type.  Like most cats, he loved to lay in the sun.  He would always find a small spot of sun on the floor and then follow it,  moving as the sun spot moved.  

About five years ago Minuit began having medical problems.  He was diagnosed with a brain tumor, heart problems (then later a heart murmur), diabetes, liver problems, anemia, neuropathy in his front leg, seizures, and severe dehydration. So Minuit endured twice daily (or more often) blood tests, twice daily insulin shots, subcutaneous hydration (we bought IV fluids and special needles to give him the fluids twice a day), various medications mixed in his food, weekly shots for anemia --that can burn a bit at times, and weekly trips to the vet for special blood tests.  He went to a Belgian Veterinary University hospital for multiple tests, saw a neurologist and a dermatologist.  He lost most of his black fur which just left him with his fuzzy gray undercoat.  He was often mistaken for a Siamese cat or some rare breed due to his unusual appearance.  He even had a CAT scan ( turns out CAT scans really don't work very well on cats due to the closeness of the skull to the brain).

Minuit rarely complained and always sat still for all his treatments, sometimes even purring while getting his subQ hydrations.  Five different vets advised me (five different times) that Minuit was going die....within months----or even days.  He never did.  He enjoyed making liars out of all of them.  He wasn't ready to go.  He loved living.  (one vet told me "this cat does not want to die").  He continued to enjoy life...eating a lot, drinking a lot, getting and giving kitty cuddling, and hobbling around --(he walked lopsided--with a limp due to the neuropathy) and had whiskers on only side of his face ....he was sometimes called Quasimodo by my friends.

All of this medical history is not very interesting----but I write about it so you can understand what a fighter Minuit is.....never giving in----always living on---giving lots of love and joy to his family, especially to me.   

Last July, once again, the vets told me that Minuit would not last more than 2 days.  However, at the end of August, he flew with me to Washington DC, where he stayed with me for 3 months.  The vets in DC informed me that he would not live long.  However, in late November he took the 11 hour drive with me to Georgia.  The vets there told me he had 48 hours to live (that was 3 weeks ago).  As we have been living in a hotel for the last 5 months, I have been worried that Minuit would die and I would not have a place to bury him (The Extended Stay Deluxe hotel is not exactly the place for a pet cemetery).

Last night, at 12:30, my brave, tough Minuit finally gave up the fight.  He laid in his bed next to me and quietly took his last breath.  

We closed on our house yesterday.  So, we now have a place to bury him. (I think he intentionally waited so he wouldn't have to have a hotel parking lot burial). 

Special thanks to Valerie, my wonderful Belgian friend, who cared for Minuit whenever I was on vacation or made trips from Belgium to the US.  She tested his blood and gave him his shots and medication.  Minuit allowed her to do all this and would even sleep on the bed with her.  Valerie, your tender care of my beloved cat will never be forgotten.

And a huge hug for Kim and Steve (and Louie) who gave me and Minuit a place to stay in DC for 3 months.  Without them and their amazing generosity, Minuit would not have been able to travel with me to the US. ....(and Kim was the friend who gave Minuit his Quasimodo nickname)

Now we are in our
new house, with Minuit nearby.   He was a sweet, loving boy with so much fight and determination in him.  I miss his little furless body and his huge loving heart.   

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Communication is the key to a successful marriage

Just as I am drifting off to sleep.......
He whispers:  You are a ho moaning wife.
Me (only half awake):  Um....what?
Him:  You are a now a ho moaner.
Me (still groggy):  I'm sorry.....WHAT?!
Him (louder now):  I said you are a HO MOANER, HO MOANER, HO MOANER!!!!
Me: What is wrong with you?
Him:  Huh?  You don't want to be a ho moaner?
Me:  No......No. Not really.  What are you talking about? Why would you think I want to be a moaning ho?
Him:  What?  No.  Not ho moaner!  HOME OWNER!!
Me:  Oh.  I see...yeah.  Goodnight.

and now ...yes.  I am going to be a ho moaner.  
(notice the big yard?.......I have informed Dallas that he will now be a HO MOWER)


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

sweet dreams are made of this....

 yeah---this week has seemed so long....just as I was coming out of my deep sleep this morning, I was dreaming .....I was dreaming that I woke up and it was Friday. So then imagine my disappointment. and when I got to work, I was telling the other therapists how I had this great dream and how disappointed I was to wake up only to find that it's Thursday. one of them said...."um....actually it's WEDNESDAY." .....DAMMIT!! (yet another bubble busted)

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Today is a very sad day for me. I have lost a good friend.

I went to the 9th grade prom with Joe. He was very shy and sweet and kind and I thought he was the best-looking guy at our school. I couldn't believe that he asked me to go with him. I was the luckiest 14-year-old girl on the planet. About 10 years ago we reconnected through the internet.  It didn't matter that I lived thousands of miles away in Europe--or that we had not seen one another since high school.  We emailed each other over those 10 years ....sometimes we would go months without writing and other times we would write every day, depending on what was going on in our lives. We became friends--sharing jokes, talking about our daily routines, sharing family photos and venting when we felt the need. Joe was an exceptional father. He raised his children mostly alone as their mother passed away early in life. He had two granddaugthers whom he adored and he loved spending time with them. Joe was a special guy. And we shared the same love of dry wit. We talked about how others sometimes misunderstood our humor and sarcasm. I was surprised how a painfully shy and quiet boy had grown up to be such a very funny guy.....always making me laugh. We made plans to meet when I was home in Michigan last year. Unfortunately Joe got very sick so we were unable to meet. Both of us were very disappointed. We promised that the next time---for sure ---we would do it. We even jokingly argued about who would pay for dinner. The last letter he wrote to me was a very long one. One in which he told me about some things that were troubling him deeply. He wrote "Sorry for all the crap, I don't mean to "unload" on you, it feels.................good, I guess, to at least get some of this out, or at least go back and read it for the ump-teenth time before I send it to you." I was glad to be there for him--- to listen. And I would give anything to be able to listen to him again today.

Tonight, with deep sadness, I learned that my friend Joe's life has tragically ended.

It breaks my heart to lose such a good friend....a special person. My world just got a little emptier.

And the whole world just lost a bit of brightness.

Joe Rothley, you will be forever missed.

and now....because I know Joe would like this to end on a humorous note.....(if this looks familiar, I posted this on my blog Sept 15, 2010)

An actual conversation with Joe......
He said: Well, in January when I got up to 212 pounds, I said to myself, "Self--you gotta do something." So I started eating better, working out, riding my bike, and in general, just taking better care of myself.
Me: That's funny--I had the same conversation with which my "Self" replied, "Shut up bitch and pass the Doritos."

This conversation made him laugh. And then we both laughed together.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Pug Head Tilt

funny....cuz I get the same reaction from Dallas.  (look for the soon-to-be-released Youtube video entitled "The Husband Head Tilt")

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