For those who have time to are my tales of cat vomit, culture shock American-style, faux pas involving large turds and lingerie (not in the same stories thankfully), Gynecology exams gone awry, and other misadventures.....all true (although at times, names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent).


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A bit of advice I sent to my niece on her 22nd birthday

Things I wish I had known when I was 22....1. stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen EVERYDAY (you think you look young now....but that sun is already making you age!) 2. enjoy the journey....even the lows--- the challenges and hard times in life are the times when we grow and learn and become better (we don't learn and grow much during the easy times) so be thankful even when times are rough 3. don't lose touch with the good people in your life, surround yourself with them. surround yourself with people who bring you joy. 4. LOSE the losers, the greedy, the shallow, the liars---no matter who they are. you don't need or want them in your life. 5. more money and material things do not make you happier. it's the people and experiences that bring depth, peace, and value to your life. 6. never stop learning. no matter what. no matter how old you are. (hence my new-found electric guitar interest) 7. let go of anger. most of the time it serves no purpose and just makes you look ugly. 8. be more patient --nothing is more beautiful. 9. don't all works out in the end (and you will look back and say to yourself "why was i so stressed about that---i wasted all my time worrying about something that never happened") just give yourself permission to worry when it really happens. not before. 10. have a sense of humor ---about everything. because really....most things are funny if you look at them from a certain angle. 11. get a cat. (or a dog)---but not until you have the time, energy and money to take care of it like it is your child. if you can't do that then DON'T get one! 12. don't rush to have kids . in fact, you can skip it altogether if you want.....nothing in life says you must have a child. (get a cat instead) 13. love the rain. there is beauty even in the grayest of days. 14. don't let time slip away. live life every day, enjoy the moments. plan for future and cherish and learn from the past. but keep yourself in the present (The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle----READ IT) and last but not least......15. be kind. to everyone. even those who treat you badly (they probably need it the most). you will be a better person for it. Well, I wish the 22 year old Tanya had this list----but here it is for you--my best advice to my younger mini-me! love you!! xoooxoo


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