For those who have time to are my tales of cat vomit, culture shock American-style, faux pas involving large turds and lingerie (not in the same stories thankfully), Gynecology exams gone awry, and other misadventures.....all true (although at times, names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent).


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Is it time for your rear alignment?

Voicemail message left for me:  (In a severely heavy Southern accent)....Hello.  This is Wanda from Dr. Loran's office.  I am calling to remind you about your appointment next Friday, March 25th at 10 AM.  Please come in 20 minutes early for your ANAL exam.  

WHAT???  What did she say?  I replay the message.  ----um. .....WHAT??!!  Why do I need an ANAL exam?!!!  This can't be right.  She must have called the wrong person. 

Me:  Hi.  This is Tanya Oskey calling.  You called me and left a message on my voicemail....

Wanda:  Good morning Mrs. Oskey.  Yes, I was calling to remind you about your appointment. 

Me:  Yes, about that appointment......I think you must have me confused with another patient.  What kind of appointment do you have me down for? 

Wanda:  This appointment is for your ANAL exam.

Me: (stifling a choking sound)  Why do I need an ANAL exam?  I didn't schedule that!  And I don't think my anus needs any examining right now.  It seems fine.  Really.

(I think I was nearing tears at this point)

Wanda:  (after a few long moments of silence)  Mrs. Oskey.  (She now speaks slowly and a bit loudly, enunciating each syllable and word in an exaggerated manner)  This has nothing to do with your EYE-NIS.  This is your AIN-YELL exam.  AIN-YELL.  Your AIN-YELL check-up.  NOT AIN-ALL.  This has nothing to do with anything AIN-ALL.

Me:  (after a few long moments of silence---as my mind catches up with her accent).   Oh.  Oh ANNUAL exam.  Got it.  OK.  Well, thanks.  I guess I will see you on Friday.  (And I wipe the tears from my eyes)

Once again....translation is not translation when living in the deep south. 

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