For those who have time to are my tales of cat vomit, culture shock American-style, faux pas involving large turds and lingerie (not in the same stories thankfully), Gynecology exams gone awry, and other misadventures.....all true (although at times, names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent).


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bell ringers on high....

We went to Maastricht (Netherlands) yesterday---for the day. It was a beautiful day and there we were on the town's ancient bridge, looking down the peaceful river at all the boats and people...and suddenly I hear the church bells ringing.....and they are lovely! And they are not just clanging out some random pattern, they are playing a really pretty melody. I am so enjoying it.......watching the boats....feeling the sun on my face and the nice breeze and........wait......what is that song? I know it I'm sure. It's's........what's Hotel California. what? Hotel California? Yes, it is. Only in Maastricht. (I suppose the bell-ringers had just returned from a nice trip to the local "coffee shop" where hashish is sold and actually listed on the menus)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

leggo my ego

ego boosters for today (and let me tell you...i needed them):

in a restaurant. he approaches me and says, "i have to tell you something"
me: um...ok
him: but i have to whisper it in your ear.
me:(cautiously) uh huh
him: (whispering) you are really very beautiful
me: (somewhat embarrassed) what? you (now feeling like i am in some kind of harlequin romance novel moment)
him: no, THANK YOU
i walk away face flushed pink

later......driving in my car. a big truck pulls up and begins driving next to me. i look over----he is looking down into my car at me (and my legs...and unlike most belgian guys in trucks....he has all his teeth and in fact he is good-looking). he motions for me to let him cut in front of him. i do and he pulls in front of me, leans out his window and looks back at me.........then blows me a kiss. i smile. later i pass him and he flashes his lights at me. (ok........for those who don't know the belgian road codes, this means "pull over at the next rest stop"......of course i don't)...but i am still smiling.

...and then this morning i awoke to a beautiful lightning and bedroom is in the tower of the castle guardhouse and a cool north wind was blowing the long white curtains in the large window. the storm was electric and i enjoyed it for a few moments...

Sunday, June 22, 2008


and tonight i went walking in the rain. the sky was light grey and the castle was a dark silhouette against it........looking lonely and sad. the rain turned to a mist that felt cool and soft on my skin. and from somewhere i could smell the fragrance of flowers blooming---so strange so late at night. mercy.........

Friday, June 13, 2008

Top Model in Kansas

I am back in Belgium after 5 weeks in the US. Wow! The people in Kansas ARE SO FAT. No---not just fat... HUGE......gigantic.....big-as-a-house size. When I say I saw "plus size" women, I mean women plus-a-bus size. (now having said that let me add that I recently passed by a mirror and thought I glimpsed someone following me---turns out it was just my ass). Oh...and in Kansas I WAS A SKINNY GIRL (and one of the few with all her teeth). I am contemplating moving to Kansas where I would be considered a really hot top model.

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