For those who have time to are my tales of cat vomit, culture shock American-style, faux pas involving large turds and lingerie (not in the same stories thankfully), Gynecology exams gone awry, and other misadventures.....all true (although at times, names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent).


Saturday, July 10, 2010

I scream, you scream

The ice cream truck in my Belgian neighborhood drives by daily in the summertime.  He doesn’t have bells or a nice light summer-feel-good tune playing as he approaches.  No. Instead he has another song blasting from his loudspeaker……..JINGLE BELLS.  OK---now I can see some parallels here… cream is frozen like snow, and we may be “laughing all the way” when eating ice cream.  And admittedly some Belgian summer days can be quite cold.  But beyond that, I fail to understand why he would choose this song.  Once I hear it, it sticks in my head and keeps playing over and over.  The last thing I need to be thinking about when I am relaxing and enjoying a nice cold summer popsicle, is how in just a few months I will need to start preparing for the hectic season, shopping endlessly, and stressing over what to buy everyone.  So I am asking you Mr. Good Humor……..please consider changing your tune to something more seasonally appropriate.   Get some real bells, play a beach tune, or hey---you could even play SAKURA---the song our ice cream truck played when we lived in Japan.  At least that song is nice and relaxing---all about cherry blossoms.  (but also a strange ice cream truck choice… is only a clever and cute choice if you are exclusively selling cherry ice cream).   But there must be hundreds of songs that relate to summer, and I bet some that even mention ice cream.   So, Belgian ice cream man…..if you are reading this---thank you for your consideration in this matter.   And a very early Merry Christmas to you.

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