For those who have time to are my tales of cat vomit, culture shock American-style, faux pas involving large turds and lingerie (not in the same stories thankfully), Gynecology exams gone awry, and other misadventures.....all true (although at times, names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent).


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Hypnosis Show December 9th

12-10-09 Just finished a really fun Christmas Hypnosis Show for a group of 120 at the Officers' Club.
My routine for the evening included some holiday themed bits, such as~
* Your name is now Santa Claus. Anytime I call you anything else, you will insist that I call you Santa Claus and then in a deep voice shout "HO HO HO"
*When I say "chestnuts roasting on an open fire" you will feel your chair getting a bit warmer. And each time I say it your chair will get warmer and warmer until finally by the 5th time the seat will be so hot you have to jump out of your seat.
* You can only say the word “fruitcake". No matter what question I ask you, you will answer "fruitcake". (then I ask a series of questions)....and now you can only say the word "reindeer poo".....No matter what I ask, you will respond "reindeer poo". (you can imagine the fun I have with this!)
*You will have a baby pet reindeer in your lap when you wake up … him....he is cute...Oh look, he is getting bigger and bigger---keep petting him....and now he is smaller and smaller..and now bigger and bigger---he is huge! you have to reach way up to pet him now. When I count to 3 you will become fully awake, will stop petting and will look at the person next to you and see how funny they are acting with their arm way up in the air petting an imaginary reindeer. You would never do that would you? (they always say "NO WAY--NEVER!") then I say.."Of course you wouldn't...ok your reindeer"... and they immediately start up again.
*When you wake you will be wearing big huge woolie winter mittens and you will find it impossible to tear the wrapping paper I give you...but you will try because you want to help me....I need you to help me wrap some presents...but I have no scissors....can you please tear this Christmas paper for me? (Paul was clever and put the paper between his feet to tear it)
*Think of your favorite Christmas or holiday character you really like and would really love to meet. That person or character is now in the audience. When you see them you are going to be so excited you will run right out to meet them--you can talk to them and ask them questions. You are REALLY going to be excited and happy to see them in the audience. You might want to get their autograph....(Christina was so excited she was clapping her hands and stamping her feet and squealing with joy to meet Frosty the Snowman)
*Sticky Christmas candy. You have some very sticky and gooey candy Christmas candy in your mouth which makes it impossible to answer my questions. But you want to answer my questions so you will try.
*Think of a favorite Christmas memory of a favorite toy you received at Christmas time. If you have this image in your mind nod your head. When you awaken you will find that you are now a child and it is that Christmas when you received this favorite toy and that toy is right here with you. It is in your hand but it is still wrapped so you will have to open it before you play with it. (Maddison jumped out of his chair to "fly" his toy airplane around the room--Christina began screaming "I got a Cabbage Patch Doll")
*You are Santa and will be riding in your sleigh being pulled by all those wonderful reindeer. You have a lot of toys to deliver so you need to get the sleigh moving you will pull on those reins and crack your whip and shout to the reindeer to try to get them to move faster and faster....
*When you awaken you are watching the funniest Christmas movie you have ever seen—hilarious--laugh out loud...oh--now it is the saddest Christmas movie (Maddison and Trenty were wiping the tears from their eyes) it is the funniest again.
*When you awake you will be all dressed for cold weather and ready to build a snowman....there is 3 feet of snow so it will be hard to walk may have to lift your feet and legs up high to get through the heavy snow....and rolling those big snow balls to make your snowman will be difficult....that snow is heavy...
* You are Santa's head elf....and one of the other elves is slacking off...he is sitting around drinking out in the audience. You need to go out and tell him to get back to work. You will not touch him, but you can talk to him, scold him, even yell at him in order to get him to come back to work. ....go find him and convince him to get back to work or Santa will not have enough toys made for all the children. (Trenty did not go out into the audience, instead he jumped up on stage where Dallas was working the sound/music cues and started yelling at him to get back to work making toys)
*Take off shoes.....your shoes are now phones....(I put them all over the stage) when you hear the phone ringing, it is Santa Claus and you want to answer the phone because you want to tell him what you really want for Christmas this year. You are very excited to tell him. But there are so many phones so you will need to quickly go from phone to phone answering them all til you find the right one. You will have the right one when the ringing stops. Then you can give Santa that important information about what you really really want for Xmas.
*Nutcracker ballet: you are a famous ballet dancer and when you awaken you will be performing in the Nutcracker ballet on stage before are very good. Do your best twirls and are so graceful. (The guys did some excellent pirouettes!)
*END OF SHOW- Posthypnotic suggestion: when the show is over you will dance your way back to your seat... do your best dancing moves and take your those sexy moves that no one ever gets to see.

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